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Pink is the New Black

Pink is the New Black

Once upon a time my dear friend, who was closeted, working at a large asset management firm, and slowly losing his passion for everything, decided to make a momentous decision: he wore a pink dress shirt to the office.

He described this as a liberating experience, not because he was/is gay, but perhaps because his existence was somewhat acknowledged. “Nice shirt, man!” “Love your shirt!” “That shirt!”… Eyeballs followed him through the office like golden retrievers watching a tennis ball.

But it wasn’t just acknowledgement that made this a worthwhile experience. Anyone can simply show up to the office in a halloween costume and attract attention. No, this was about taste, fashion, and style. Years later in 2022, USA Today would proclaim that “hot pink is the new black.” He predicted the future. But enough about him.

As celebrities in 2022 embrace the Barbie aesthetic of hot pink in their fashion choices, so too have Los Angeles real estate owners decided to paint their houses this daring yet lighthearted color. While I’m still a fan of the Apple Store aesthetic, it’s refreshing to see some owners adopt a style that’s somewhat campy and also classy.

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the benefits of adding a fresh coat of paint to your home when looking to sell. Agents Pat Ward and Michael Rosenblum describe how “painting nearly always pays not only with a higher sales price but also with a faster sale,” and that painting “gives the illusion of newness.”

Whether pink is the right choice remains to be seen, but people in Los Angeles and the South of France seem to appreciate this unique color. Just look at the legendary Beverly Hills Hotel, which combines pink, white, and green to welcome guests to an experience that’s elegant, tasteful, and unique. The Beverly Hills Hearst Estate is another great example (pictured).

A pink-infused home can bring a bit of happiness to a world that is literally getting grayer and less colorful, according to an analysis by The Science Museum in London. My hope is that more owners will make that big decision to subtly stand out and choose that forbidden color, pink.